Reflection → Tie A Yellow Ribbon
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
From amazing to mysterious, view the top 20 natural, cultural, archaeological and architectural wonders around the World.
These heritage places are truly wonders of the World..!
1.Longmen Grottoes, China
After a long long trials and error, coloring and photoshop, I've finally finished my premade background. For me it looks like a fantasy world that everybody wants. So you're my critiques and hope you liked it. And if ever you used it just link it...
Cults and Secret Societies have used simple brainwashing techniques for as long as anyone can remember.
The word “assassin,” for instance, is Arabic for “user of hashish.” The original assassins were an 11th Century Islamic cult of killers called the Nizari, who were promised the glories of martydom (not unlike their modern equivalents). Their leader offered a preview of the paradise to come, visions allegedly delivered via large doses of hash. In India, highly secretive cults flourished for centuries in the names of some of the more violent deities such as Kali.
In addition to practicing simple mind control techniques on their own, these robber and murderer cults also inspired others to adopt their techniques. The Knights Templar were founded to fight off just such bands of robbers and murderers, who had been targeting Christian pilgrims in the Holy Lands.
The Knights (and their brethren, the Freemasons) quickly discovered the power of cult techniques such as isolation, hypnagogic rituals, arcane initiations and oaths of secrecy, which they very successfully applied among their ranks. Despite being victimized by the skilled torturers of the Inquisition (themselves masters of “thought reform”), none of the loyal thousands of Knights ever spilled any of the group’s deepest secrets.
In the 1700s, Franz Anton Mesmer was born, marking a turning point in the history of mind control. Mesmer developed a technique called “animal magnetism” as a medical technique for treating a number of illnesses (primarily psychosomatic) which were not well understood at the time. Animal magnetism was quickly dubbed “mesmerism” and later morphed into “hypnotism.”
Mesmerism involved different techniques, including the placement or brandishment of literal magnets around the subjects, and the monotonous repetition of words and tones, which induced a trance-like state in its subjects.
In a hypnotic trance, the subject is prone to suggestibility. They tend to believe what they are told and their senses will malfunction to back up these suggestions. Mesmer primarily used the technique to cure various stress-related illnesses but it soon became clear that hypnotism could also be used to make people do things they wouldn’t normally do.
Today, any respectable hypnotist will assure you that a person under hypnosis can’t be induced to do anything they wouldn’t normally be able to do. But then, it’s not the respectable hypnotists that you have to worry about. Regardless of their protestations of harmlessness, the suggestibility of a hypnotized subject offers ample opportunity for the hypnotist to wreak havoc.
Aside from the possibility of just ordering the subject to become a killing machine, which is not a reliable technique, one can plant suggestions that allow the subject to justify all manner of wrongdoing (i.e., “Jim is planning to kill you. He will kill you unless you kill him first. You had better kill him in self-defense.”).
Hypnotic techniques can also be used to plant “post-hypnotic” suggestions, in which a certain set of circumstances (such as the utterance of a “trigger phrase”) cause the subject to act out a preprogrammed behavior. This is more popular as a Hollywood device than effective in the real world, but it can be done.
The main problem with hypnosis as a mind-control technique is that it’s pretty difficult to hypnotize someone against their will. That’s why insidious megalomaniacs returned to the techniques used by the first Assassins — drugs — while inventing new and exciting ways to manipulate the masses in an economical fashion.
[ambiguous: ad2.jpg] Subliminal mind control also plays to the suggestibility of humankind (i.e., the presumption that we are not much more sophisticated than sheep). The technique, most famously used in advertising, involves embedding secret images into harmless-looking images in order to “sneak” a message directly into the viewers subconscious.
Subliminal advertising has existed for a long time in the form of subtle visual cues embedded in still pictures, but the technique first hit the big time in the 1950s, when marketer named James Vicary invented a method for inserting subliminal messages into films.
His technique would flash a simple text message for a single frame on a movie screen. While viewers were enjoying a nice movie, the words “Eat popcorn” or “Drink Coke” would flit by on the screen too quickly for the conscious mind to see. The results were anecdotally reported to be spectacular, with massive increases in theater concessions sales. The apparent success of the technique (which was never replicated in a controlled scientific setting) alarmed the hell out of most people and subliminal advertising was subsequently banned (although it still pops up in insidious ways, especially in liquor ads for some reason).
The use of subliminals in mind control of the “Big Brother-evil empire” variety has never been extensively documented (unlike the use of drugs, see below), but it stands to reason that if the technique is even marginally effective, someone is probably using it.
Subliminals and hypnotism have also been adopted by the “self-help” crowd, as a way to assist people in difficult tasks which they would prefer not to accomplish through self-discipline and hard work.
These include, most prominently, quitting smoking and losing weight. Retailers everywhere stock endless recordings of happy white-sound noises (such as ocean surf or New Age ambient music) which feature subliminal audio tracks running underneath, with messages such as “You don’t want to smoke” or “You don’t want to eat.”
While scientific types are highly skeptical about the effectiveness of subliminals, science hardly matters to people who want to make a quick buck, or people who want to quit smoking without tears.
The most effective form of mind control, often used in conjunction with drugs, involves behavioral conditioning. This is a pretty simple concept. You put someone in a controlled environment, then you punish them for “bad thoughts” and reward them for “good thoughts.”
George Orwell presented one of the most thorough visions of a behaviorally controlled society in “1984,” a nightmare vision of a world in which government uses heavy-handed techniques to keep people thinking the right kinds of thoughts at any given time. Sci-fi writer Philip K Dick also frequently delved into this territory, as did Patrick McGoohan’s groundbreaking TV series, “The Prisoner.”
In addition to such obvious techniques as torture and drugs, behavioral conditioning can be accomplished in more subtle ways, often reputedly employed by religious cults and top secret government prisons.
Known as “coercive persuasion,” the technique involves breaking up an individual’s usual routine, isolating them from contact with the outside world, Pavolovian rewards and punishment, and “non-violent” coercions such as sleep deprivation, humiliation and various kinds of noise disruptions.
Although religious cults took a lot of heat in the 1980s and 1990s for employing these techniques, that hasn’t stopped the George W Bush Administration from openly and shamelessly using these methods against alleged terrorists such as Jose Padilla and Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, despite prohibitions against such treatment of prisoners in the Geneva Conventions. The rationale offered by the administration for these actions pretty much boils down to “The end justifies the means.”
But then, Bush is hardly the first U.S. president to oversee mind control projects. He’s just the first to bother offering a rationale. Which brings us, inevitably, to the subject of…
Although Ben Franklin is rumored to have investigated hypnotism on behalf of the government back in the early days of the nation, the institutionalization of mind control techniques by top-secret government conspiracies didn’t become a growth industry until the onset of the Cold War.
Inspired in part by Nazi successes with propaganda and torture techniques, the Central Intelligence Agency and the KGB undertook massive research ventures designed to break human beings down into malleable robots, which was considered a useful technique in both intelligence practices and domestic governance.
In the 1950s, the CIA began experimenting with mind-control as part of an infamous program known as MKULTRA. The most famous outgrowth of this program was the popularization of LSD as a recreational drug, which had rather the opposite effect on society than was being sought.
Under MKULTRA, the CIA conducted hundreds of experiments on unwitting people in the San Francisco area and elsewhere. In some of these tests, the Agency hired hookers to dose their johns with LSD so CIA scientists could study the effects.
The agency shredded most of its documentation on the MKULTRA plan before it became public. What little is known suggest that the government was trying to create “supersoldiers” and sleeper agents who would feel no pain and who would be under the absolute control of their superiors.
The Soviets were engaged in similar experiments, which formed the basis of the movie “The Manchurian Candidate,” in which Frank Sinatra played a mind-controlled former prisoner of war sent on a mission of assassination against the U.S.
A side-effect of these proven experiements is a whole host of unproven conspiracy theories regarding mind control and political assassinations. Virtually every major political assassination in the 20th Century has been attached to a mind-control conspiracy of lesser or greater credibility, including John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.
The Robert Kennedy case is particularly interesting to mind control aficionados. RFK was killed by a “lone gunman” named Sirhan Sirhan. According to Sirhan’s defense team, the assassin was extremely susceptible to hypnosis. When a defense psychologist hypnotized him, the first thing Sirhan allegedly said was, “I don’t know any people.” Sirhan appeared to be in an altered state of consciousness when he was arrested and claimed to have no memory of shooting RFK.
Regardless of all these claims, one thing is pretty clear: LSD is remarkably ineffective as a mind control agent. Barbiturates and narcotics are useful for encouraging trance states, but they also diffuse the subject’s focus, making hypnotism per se problematic. Highly addictive drugs are often used as the “poor man’s mind control,” by hooking the subject on coke or heroin and then making them do tricks to get their fix. This technique (most commonly used to obtain blow jobs) is notoriously unreliable, since hardcore addicts tend to be pretty unstable.
Relatively new drugs such as Ritalin and Prozac have been the subject of much speculation among conspiracy theorists, since they have a remarkable success rate in transforming rebellious or difficult children (and adults) into compliant conformist consumers without the need for such tedious old-school techniques as “parenting” and “discipline.”
Ritalin is a central nervous system stimulant designed to treat a “disease” called “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.” Now, you may be wondering why a stimulant is used to treat hyperactivity, but you’re not a doctor, so give up any hope of understanding. You’re just going to have to trust The Man. (Even doctors don’t have a good answer to this question. The National Institute of Mental Heatlh says “The answer to this question is not well established,” and adds “more research is needed.” Implied but not overtly stated are the credos: “Trust The Man” and “We Just Pump Your Kids Full Of Drugs Until Something Seems To Work.”)
The current “thinking” is that 5 percent of U.S. children are suffering from this “disease,” for which the NIMH lists such symptoms as inattentiveness in school, the inability to sit still, the desire to run around and play, fidgeting in a classroom chair, impulsiveness and impatience, or making inappropriate comments. If you remember doing any of these things as a child, then you really missed out on the super drug-induced behavior modification that kids today enjoy so well.
Upwards of 8 million American children are estimated to be using Ritalin or a related drug type, and that appears to be a lowball estimate based on old data. Ritalin use has increased nearly 1,000 percent in 10 years.
If all that isn’t “Big Brother” enough for you, consider this tidbit from NIMH: “Physicians and parents should be aware that schools are federally mandated to perform an appropriate evaluation if a child is suspected of having a disability that impairs academic functioning (specifically including ADHD).” So don’t worry! If you can’t keep your kid in line, The Man will do it for you!
With all this ugly reality out there, you wouldn’t think there would be a great need for nutty conspiracy theories about cornball sci-fi mind control techniques being secretly employed against the masses. But you’d be wrong.
One of the favorite modern theories about secret mind control has to do with satellites beaming microwaves or other forms of virulent radiation into the brains of a mostly unsuspecting public (as in the HAARP Project, among others). The suspecting public appears to be largely composed of schizophrenics, who for some reason are particularly fond of this theory. Hell, maybe it’s true, who knows? There is no publicly available scientific research to support the idea that microwaves can be used for mind control, but then there wouldn’t be, now would there?
Magnetism has also been a favored sci-fi approach to mind control since the days of Mesmer’s animal variety. There’s a sort of, kind of, general plausibility to this thinking that stems from the electrical nature of the brain, but again, you’d be hard pressed to find a working theory to explain how one goes from the general idea to a working prototype.
The lack of credible research is no obstacle to the determined inventor, however, as evidenced by the dozens of patents on file for various gadgets and gizmos intended to transform the Average Joe into an Empowered-Mind-Dominating-Superfreak.
One such device is an “apparatus for and method of sensing brain waves at a position remote from a subject (… which) also can be used to produce a compensating signal which is transmitted back to the brain to effect a desired change in electrical activity therein.” This 1976 patent apparently never made it to mass production (or if it did, all memory of such a device has been eradicated from our brains using the device itself).
Not all approaches to mechanical mind control are so subtle. Since electroshock therapy came on the scene in the 1940s, numerous methods have been introduced to “help” people with behavioral conditioning, usually via electrical shock. The most innocuous of these involves a wristband designed to shock smokers when they lift a cigarette to their lips. Among the most lethal-looking is a device that appears to involve electrically charged spikes driven into one’s skull. Now, THAT’S a good time!
To make sure kids go home happy, not horrified, Disney usually has to alter the endings. Read on for the original endings to a couple of Disney classics (and some more obscure tales).
Don’t break out your violins for this gal just yet. All that cruelty poor Cinderella endured at the hands of her overbearing stepmother might have been well deserved. In the oldest versions of the story, the slightly more sinister Cinderella actually kills her first stepmother so her father will marry the housekeeper instead. Guess she wasn’t banking on the housekeeper’s six daughters moving in or that never-ending chore list.
In the original version of the tale, it’s not the kiss of a handsome prince that wakes Sleeping Beauty, but the nudging of her newborn twins. That’s right. While unconscious, the princess is impregnated by a monarch and wakes up to find out she’s a mom twice over. Then, in true Ricki Lake form, Sleeping Beauty’s “baby’s daddy” triumphantly returns and promises to send for her and the kids later, conveniently forgetting to mention that he’s married. When the trio is eventually brought to the palace, his wife tries to kill them all, but is thwarted by the king. In the end, Sleeping Beauty gets to marry the guy who violated her, and they all live happily ever after.
At the end of the original German version penned by the brothers Grimm, the wicked queen is fatally punished for trying to kill Snow White. It’s the method she is punished by that is so strange – she is made to dance wearing a pair of red-hot iron shoes until she falls over dead.
You’re likely familiar with the Disney version of the Little Mermaid story, in which Ariel and her sassy crab friend, Sebastian, overcome the wicked sea witch, and Ariel swims off to marry the man of her dreams. In Hans Christian Andersen’s original tale, however, the title character can only come on land to be with the handsome prince if she drinks a potion that makes it feel like she is walking on knives at all times. She does, and you would expect her selfless act to end with the two of them getting married. Nope. The prince marries a different woman, and the Little Mermaid throws herself into the sea, where her body dissolves into seam foam.
Now here are four more fairy tales you might not be familiar with, but you might have trouble forgetting.
The King’s wife dies and he swears he will never marry again unless he finds a woman who fits perfectly into his dead Queen’s clothes. Guess what? His daughter does! So he insists on marrying her. Ew. Understandably, she has a problem with this and tries to figure out how to avoid wedding dear old dad. She says she won’t marry him until she gets a trunk that locks from outside and i
nside and can travel over land and sea. He gets it, but she says she has to make sure the chest works. To prove it, he locks her inside and floats her in the sea. Her plan works: she just keeps floating until she reaches another shore. So she escapes marrying her dad, but ends up working as a scullery maid in another land… from here you can follow the Cinderella story. She meets a prince, leaves her shoe behind, he goes around trying to see who it belongs to. The End.
This French fairy tale starts out just like Hansel & Gretel. A brother and sister get lost in the woods and find themselves trapped in cages, getting plumped up to be eaten. Only it’s not a wicked witch, it’s the Devil and his wife. The Devil makes a sawhorse for the little boy to bleed to death on (seriously!) and then goes for a walk, telling the girl to get her brother situated on the sawhorse before he returned. The siblings pretend to be confused and ask the Devil’s wife to demonstrate how the boy should lay on the sawhorse; when she shows them they tie her to it and slit her throat. They steal all of the Devil’s money and escape in his carriage. He chases after them once he discovers what they’ve done, but he dies in the process. Yikes.
Cannibalism, murder, decapitation… freakiness abounds left and right in this weird Grimm story. A widower gets remarried, but the second wife loathes the son he had with his first wife because she wants her daughter to inherit the family riches. So she offers the little boy an apple from inside a chest. When he leans over to get it, she slams the lid down on him and chops his head off. Note: if you’re trying to convince your child to eat more fruits and veggies, do not tell them this story. Well, the woman doesn’t want anyone to know that she killed the boy, so she puts his head back on and wraps a handkerchief around his neck to hide the fact that it’s no longer attached. Her daughter ends up knocking his head off and getting blamed for his deat
h. To hide what happened, they chop up the body and make him into pudding, which they feed to his poor father. Eventually the boy is reincarnated as a bird and he drops a stone on his stepmother’s head, which kills her and brings him back to life.
These old fairy tales sure do enjoy a healthy dose of incest. In this Italian tale, the king’s wife dies and he falls in love with Penta… his sister. She tries to make him fall out of love with her by chopping off her hands. The king is pretty upset by this; he has her locked in a chest and thrown out to sea. A fisherman tries to save her, but Penta is so beautiful that his jealous wife has her thrown back out to sea. Luckily, Penta is rescued by a king (who isn’t her brother). They get married and have a baby, but the baby is born while the king is away at sea. Penta tries to send the king the good news of the baby, but the jealous fisherman’s wife intercepts the message and changes it to say that Penta gave birth to a puppy. A puppy?! The evil wife then constructs another fake message, this time from the king to his servants, and says that Penta and her baby should be burned alive. OK, long story short: the king figures out what the jealous wife is up to and has her burned. Penta and the king live happily ever after. I can’t really figure out what the moral of this tale is. Chopping hands off? Giving birth to a dog? I just don’t get it. Help me out here, people.
Here are 23 celebrities who have taken out huge insurance policies for their precious assets.
Of course, this kind of things may happen only in movies: boxers who win when the chances are low; superspies who can easily dodge the bullet; archeologists-pranksters… There are no such people in real life, are there? Sure there are!
To let go does not mean to stop caring,
it means I can't do it for someone else.
To let go is not to cut myself off,
it's the realization I can't control another.
To let go is not to enable,
but allow learning from natural consequences.
To let go is to admit powerlessness, which means
the outcome is not in my hands.
To let go is not to try to change or blame another,
it's to make the most of myself.
To let go is not to care for,
but to care about.
To let go is not to fix,
but to be supportive.
To let go is not to judge,
but to allow another to be a human being.
To let go is not to be in the middle arranging all the outcomes,
but to allow others to affect their destinies.
To let go is not to be protective,
it's to permit another to face reality.
To let go is not to deny,
but to accept.
To let go is not to nag, scold or argue,
but instead to search out my own shortcomings and correct them.
To let go is not to adjust everything to my desires,
but to take each day as it comes and cherish myself in it.
To let go is not to criticize or regulate anybody,
but to try to become what I dream I can be.
To let go is not to regret the past,
but to grow and live for the future.
To let go is to fear less and love more
To let go and to let God, is to find peace !
Remember: The time to love is short
------ author unknown
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